Automate all contracts and payments. We ensure your company retains the IP

NotedSource streamlines the legal and HR process for research partners so your team can focus on the project.

Project List Mck-1

Platform with contracting and onboarding flow

Onboarding expert individuals and partners involves legal and compliance requirements. Streamline that with NotedSource's easy-to-use platform.

  • Statements of Work
  • Non-disclosure Agreements
  • IP Retention
  • Payment Processing

When you sign up to the NotedSource platform, each researcher you work with is covered under NotedSource user agreements. Use NotedSource contracts or your own. 

NotedSource - Project Msg

Partnering with a NotedSource expert partner provides you rights to any inventions, designs, and original works produced. IP protection prevents unauthorized use and ensures that your team has exclusive rights to use, manufacture, and sell the IP.

With NotedSource, the IP is yours

Contracts and Confidentiality

All research partners sign NDAs, allowing projects to begin within 1-2 weeks. Integrated contracts ensure that sensitive information is stored and shared securely.

Payment Processing

Pay experts directly on the platform as project milestones are completed to your satisfaction, ensuring a smooth process for both sides.

SOC2 and Compliance

As a SOC 2 compliant company, NotedSource streamlines all compliance between companies and external research partner organizations. 

Augment your team with external research experts for
projects today