Work with thought leaders and academic experts in immunology allergy

Companies can benefit from working with Immunology and Allergy experts in several ways. These experts can provide valuable insights and knowledge to enhance research and development efforts. They can help in the development of innovative solutions and treatments for allergies and immune-related disorders. Collaborating with these experts can also lead to the discovery of new diagnostic tools and technologies. Additionally, companies can gain a competitive edge by leveraging the expertise of Immunology and Allergy researchers to stay ahead in the market.

Researchers on NotedSource with backgrounds in immunology allergy include Regan Hamel, Mohammad Imran Khan, Garrett A. Perchetti, Research Scientist - Virology, Aayudh Das, Ph.D., Rosani Matoso Silva, Ph.D., Dr. Justin Whalley, Ph.D, Lindsay Webb, PhD, Jeffrey Townsend, Jo Boaler, Ganna Galitska, and Elee Shimshoni.

Garrett A. Perchetti, Research Scientist - Virology

New York
Research Scientist and MD Candidate in virology with publications on infectious diseases, laboratory medicine, viral genetics, and clinical medicine
Research Interests (15)
Infectious Diseases
And 10 more
Garrett A. Perchetti is a highly accomplished research scientist in the field of virology. He received a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and a Bachelor of Arts in Art History from the University of Washington. His interest in both science and the arts led him to pursue a career in virology, where he could combine his passion for understanding the natural world with his creative thinking skills. After completing his undergraduate studies, Garrett continued his education by earning a Medical Degree from Ross University School of Medicine in 2025. During his time in medical school, he developed a keen interest in virology and infectious diseases, which ultimately led him to specialize in this field. Garrett's educational background is complemented by his extensive experience as a research scientist. He has worked at the University of Washington School of Medicine, where he has conducted groundbreaking research on various types of viruses. His work has been published in numerous scientific journals, and he has presented his findings at international conferences. Garrett's contributions to the field of virology have been widely recognized, and he has received several awards and accolades for his work. He is known for his meticulous attention to detail, innovative thinking, and ability to collaborate effectively with other researchers. In his free time, Garrett enjoys painting, hiking, and traveling. He is also passionate about raising awareness about the importance of vaccinations and promoting public health initiatives. With his exceptional education and extensive experience, Garrett A. Perchetti is a valuable asset to the field of virology and will continue to make significant contributions in the future.

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Aayudh Das, Ph.D.

Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
Scientist at Garuda therapeutics, specialized in Genomics and Computational Biology
Research Interests (15)
Computational Biology
And 10 more
I am a dedicated Scientist-I at Garuda Therapeutics, where I specialize in computational biology and genomics within the R&D department. My work primarily revolves around developing and optimizing pipelines for variant calling using Strelka2 and GATK4 with Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) to identify oncogenes in human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This involves extensive work in the qualification and validation of these pipelines for regulatory filings, as well as leveraging databases such as ClinVar, COSMIC, and DepMap to craft targeted oncogenes panels for deep sequencing. I also apply Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) for downstream sequencing to validate CRISPR knockouts, including the identification and validation of CRISPR off-targets using techniques like rhAMPseq and Induce-seq. Additionally, my expertise extends to single-cell sequencing analysis and understanding structural variants with Optical Genome Mapping (Bionano). Prior to joining Garuda Therapeutics, I completed a postdoctoral fellowship in computational biology at Pennsylvania State University, where I honed my skills in identifying climate-adaptive variants and conducted Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) to uncover resistance genes against parasites and other stressors. My academic journey began at the University of Vermont, where I explored abiotic stress resistance genes using transcriptomics and developed a robust understanding of RNA-seq data analysis, from assembly to gene annotation. My work is driven by a passion for leveraging computational and genomics tools to address pressing challenges in biology and healthcare, combining my rigorous academic training with a practical, solution-oriented approach to research and development.

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Rosani Matoso Silva, Ph.D.

Fulbrigther Humphrey Fellow 2023-2024 from Brazil
Research Interests (8)
Food Animals
Animal Science and Zoology
Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
Food Science
And 3 more
Rosani Matoso Silva is a scientific researcher and activist committed to advancing diversity and black and indigenous leadership in the fields of science and technology (S&T). Her passion and dedication to these causes led her to establish the Mancala Institute, where she serves as the director of research, spearheading innovative projects aimed at developing technological solutions to address social and racial disparities across Brazil. Rosani’s research is deeply influenced by her belief in the need for innovative methods to effectively monitor food insecurity, a critical issue affecting countless vulnerable communities. Rosani was selected for the prestigious Humphrey Fellowship program for 2023-2024, an opportunity that reflects her exceptional commitment and leadership potential. During the program, she seeks to enhance her leadership development, networking, and negotiation skills. Her goal is to build a supportive network with American organizations focused on achieving food security and sovereignty for vulnerable communities, thus expanding the impact of her work and contributing to the creation of a more just and inclusive future. Rosani Matoso Silva is a driving force in the fight for inclusion and social justice in the fields of science and technology, with an unwavering dedication to creating a world where diversity is not only recognized but valued and promoted.

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Example immunology allergy projects

How can companies collaborate more effectively with researchers, experts, and thought leaders to make progress on immunology allergy?

Development of Allergy Treatment

An Immunology and Allergy expert can collaborate with a pharmaceutical company to develop a new and effective treatment for allergies. This collaboration can involve conducting clinical trials, identifying novel therapeutic targets, and optimizing drug delivery methods.

Research on Autoimmune Diseases

Companies in the healthcare industry can collaborate with Immunology and Allergy researchers to study autoimmune diseases. This research can lead to the development of targeted therapies and personalized medicine approaches for patients with autoimmune disorders.

Vaccine Development

Immunology and Allergy experts can contribute to the development of vaccines for various diseases. Their knowledge of the immune system and allergens can help in designing effective vaccines and understanding immune responses to vaccination.

Diagnostic Tools for Allergies

Collaborating with Immunology and Allergy researchers can result in the development of advanced diagnostic tools for allergies. These tools can aid in accurate diagnosis, allergen identification, and personalized treatment plans for patients.

Drug Discovery and Testing

Pharmaceutical companies can collaborate with Immunology and Allergy experts to discover and test new drugs. These experts can provide valuable insights into the immune system's role in diseases and help in identifying potential drug targets.